25 May 2017


Dear Colleague

A stronger voice for Wales: engaging with Westminster and the devolved institutions

I am writing to you as Chair of the National Assembly for Wales’s Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee. We are currently undertaking an inquiry into the effectiveness of inter-governmental and inter-parliamentary working.

We have split this work into two strands: constitutional matters and policy matters. The second strand aims to consider:

·         The nature of relationships between the Welsh and UK Government, how these relationships function and how they can be improved.

·         Improving opportunities for improved policy learning between Governments and Parliaments.

·         Best practice in inter-institutional relations from across the UK which could be imported into the Welsh context.

·         The nature of the relationship between the Welsh and UK legislatures and to identify opportunities for effective inter-parliamentary working.

·         Any other matters that relate to inter-institutional relationships, including relevant implications of the UK leaving the EU.

I am therefore writing to you as an organisation which hasn’t regularly engaged with the National Assembly, but has done so with other UK legislatures.

I would be interested to hear your views on why this is the case. In particular:

-          Are there any barriers to engagement with the National Assembly?

-          What is your perception of the process for engaging with committees in Cardiff compared to London, Edinburgh or Belfast?

-          What is your perception and expectation of inter-institutional working and relationships, and your thoughts on learning from other institutions?

I’m certain your insight will prove very useful and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely


Huw Irranca-Davies


Croesewir gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg neu Saesneg.

We welcome correspondence in Welsh or English.